
MemoryCam ©2006 A brass pinhole camera. 3.5 inches high, 2.25 inches wide. It's a camera to photograph memories. On the base the instructions read: 1. Fix memory in your mind. 2. Point MemoryCam toward memory. 3. Expose film. You can see more information about MemoryCam here. MemoryCam was on the Make blog on October 11, 2006!

Photos taken by MemoryCam below:
The first photo from MemoryCam, in the garden, San Mateo. I cannot tell you what a thrill it is to see the first photo from a camera you have made completely by yourself. I soldered this box together as a test - to see if it would work at all. At this stage it was not decorated, I used a piece of gaffer's tape for the shutter. I think the gritty stuff is from cold chemicals, or some other processing mistake I made. The view is of the back of our house, the camera is taking the photo in a mirror. All these photos are taken on pieces of photographic paper - probably Arista. The paper is cut to fit in my bathroom/darkroom. One sheet is loaded into the MemoryCam, it's exposed, then processed in developing chemicals. Outside exposure times are probably around 1 minute, with full sun, in the middle of the day. Exposures in my studio range from 3 to 7 minutes. See the early stage of the camera here.

Memory 430 One of the early photographs. Taken on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, April 29, 2007. I was disappointed in this one at first - I didn't expect to see the windows in the background. There is a big roll of paper coming down from the ceiling on the left. With a normal focal length camera, the windows would not be visible. I do like it now - it has a mysterious feeling - where are we and what's going on.

Memory 435 Another photo taken on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, April 29, 2007. This was the final image of the day - close enough to what I was hoping for, and in some ways better. You can see the tiny square of my studio window on the right. I placed a big piece of black foam core behind the set-up to help block the studio. Halfway through the 5 minute exposure, the foam core fell forward, pushing the tall dinosaur on the left forward, too. This is the first state of the photo - I scanned it before it was completely dry, causing the blobby marks on the left side. The second state, Memory 436, is here.

We all have a flaw or two Taken on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, 2010.

I wanted to keep her with me. Also taken on WPPD, 2010.

I knew she would come.

He was taller then.

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